Monday, May 30, 2005

robot power

Originally uploaded by Daily Assumption.

Sitting outside having breakfast with Julia today I realized that lately I have been feeling the forces of robot power drop off. What I mean is that every robot has to reboot sometime. They all need upgrades and plug-ins and such. So why didn't the droid army fix general Grevious? What underling said, "no he seems fine with Asthma!" I have Asthma and if there was a robot suit that could fix it I would gladly wear it. Buy the way, was he one of those "reptile Chinese Business Men" that ran the trade federation, all decked out in armor?

Imperial Walker

Originally uploaded by Daily Assumption.

Saturday was busy at the Bizarre Market trying to make some money. After the rain stopped and the crowd finally showed up I was excited at the possiblity of people buying some work and making me feel good about working so hard all week on these things.

So I sold two copies of mugsy's volume 1 and 2 and One drawing(unframed for 7 bucks) so I almost broke even.

Now I have 15 drawings in frames and about 25 copies of Mugsy's 1 and 2 left for sellin?

Oh, the assumption. I guess assume that they really did want to buy the work. Don't feel bad that they looked for 20 minutes and walked away. Assume that the work is still interested no matter if they weren't the right people for it.

Perhaps it is the venue. Perhaps the "cool kids" don't spend their money on art, they buy discount shoes, poorly printed T-shirts, or broken toys. Maybe I should have lowered my price but I have some standards. hell 20 bucks for a 8x10 drawing in a frame with mat isn't bad at all. Right?

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Assume the deadline

Give yourself a deadline to build your own human powered electric device. I am going to try to build a Generator out of a bike and palm trees.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Originally uploaded by Daily Assumption.

Make Grid Paintings by teaching someone tools in photoshop.

Richard Roth has asked me this summer to teach him how to make art in photoshop. He says he needs more money and selling digital prints of famous grid paintings will make him rich. In other news, I kindof like this little thing, I mean there is something to just putzing around and setting up rules on photshop making simple little things. I know it has been done but it keeps your head working to teach someone else how to use a program you use everyday.

I miss teaching those students of mine. Their projects turned out so much better than I ever imagined andJoel even got his very own Grant!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality
Originally uploaded by Daily Assumption.

Here is the drawing of something that is my fault. I've been working this weekend on a lot of drawings for the next Bizarre market in Richmond. Anyone know the date of that thing?

Friday, May 20, 2005

Assume it was your fault

Assume something you didn't take the blame for when you were a kid may have been your fault. Make something for that person who you need to ask forgiveness from. I will load my drawing up as soon as Flick quits acting funny.

In other news
paul goode has a great show up at Chop Suey, well I'm sure it is great I just haven't been by yet.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

block sun

block sun
Originally uploaded by Daily Assumption.

Assume that sunscreen isn't strong enough, so choose which hand you want to assume all the damage from the sun and hold it above your head when outside. Protect your face at all costs.
BTW, hats, sunglasses, and other coving systems do not protect you either, in case you were wondering.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Find your source

Dave @ Yuma Proving Ground 02-24-61
Originally uploaded by Daily Assumption.

Find the one photo of your father that looks the most like you. Clothes and physical style should match as well.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Assume the Wizard

Assume you are in the world of Harry Potter and every chance you get practice your wizarding spells.
Look up a few at and get swooshing.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Bumper Stickers

So I am borrowing my mother's car at the moment, and she has a Bush Sticker on the back, I get kind of nervious driving it around town and wish I had a sticker to go under it that says, "this is my mother's car she means well." but I don't have that sticker. So today's assumption is that everyone who is driving a car their bumper stickers are their Mother's and remember that they mean well.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Assume a spill

Originally uploaded by Daily Assumption.

Add a coffee cup, or other drink container to a paint spill and take a photo. Works best on concrete.


Originally uploaded by Daily Assumption.

Give a tour of an area landmark. This tour was on protecting it from a "Mad Max" situation. Your tour can be about anything as long as something is assumed.

New Art Project

For those of you who haven't figured it out yet, this site is about making conceptual art by assuming one thing a day.

Assume books want to be beside their own kind. Reorganize your book collection by color of spine instead of height, subject, or author. Photograph the gradation of shelves. Try to follow a rainbow, or Color Wheel System. (Or perhaps organize each shelf as monochromes. If you have only one green book it gets it's own shelf.)

Monday, May 09, 2005

Assume no one has heard about it

Assume the "Internet" is an exciting new place. Tell all your friends about this new technological development and explain in depth about the benifits of technological communication and the possibility for education. Use hand quotations when you say "the Internet."

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Assume a sickness

Pick the one internal sickness you fear the most and assume you have it for a day. Coddle yourself with TV movies, Chicken Soup, Pain meds, and an epsom salt bath. Photograph all the things you purchased to help make you feel better.

Saturday's was missed

Assume you will be going to the studio on Saturday and that you figured out all the problems you ever wanted to figure out. Sleep well with the knowledge that the day was used fully.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Assume a breakup

Assume anywhere you find flowers laying on the ground is the site of a recent break up. Take a second and wish them the best in the future.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

assume you ran a race

Purchase all the refilling, re-stimulating, rehydrating supplies one would need after a race and enjoy them with the knowledge that you did it!

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Assume the weather is bad

Originally uploaded by Daily Assumption.

Even if weather is going to be good outside, assume for the worst. Plan ahead with everything you will need to survive either: an ice age, a rain storm, a flood, an act of God, a bolt of lightning, or humid sticky heat. Carry all you need to survive.

Assume they are after you!

Originally uploaded by Daily Assumption.

Hold up in your house for a day and assume that people outside are trying to get you.

First Assumption

Make something that you believe people will read. Work hard on it, be smart about design and information. Make it stand out and assume people will actually read it.